5 Myths About Women and Kickboxing Gyms

There are a lot of myths out there about working out at a martial arts training facility like a kickboxing gym, or muay-thai studio. This blog presents the five most common misconceptions about women and kickboxing. We want to debunk the myths out there, because kickboxing, cardio kickboxing and other forms of fight-based training are SO GOOD FOR YOU. It would be a shame if you were turned off because of some silly rumor that gyms like ours are just for men. Read on to learn more.

Kickboxing Gyms Are for Men

One of the most prevalent myths about kickboxing gyms – or martial arts gyms in general – is that it’s a guys-only thing. This actually couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, most cardio kickboxing classes have lots of women, and the workouts are for everyone. There’s always a chance of running into that one overly-macho dude who wants to front on a woman for venturing into “his” gym, but there’s a chance of that anywhere. Bottom line? Be fierce, ladies. You have just as much right as any guy who wants to punch a few bags.

Kickboxing Gyms Are Intimidating

Just like any social situation, a boxing or kickboxing gym is a place where you can dive right in and make a bunch of new friends, or hang back, staying into your own mission. Either way is a fine approach, but the idea that training facilities for martial arts are any more intimidating than the rows of elliptical climbers at the local gym is simply wrong.

Hitting Bags Gives You a Masculine Body

Any good trainer will tell you building huge muscles requires lifting heavy weights consistently, and a very focused diet involving lots of protein. Participating in kickboxing classes, or cardio kickboxing strengthens the heart and tones the muscles. You won’t bulk up, promise.

Kickboxing Gyms Are Dirty

There is a popular misconception that boxing gyms are dingy, dirty, and gross. First of all, ok yeah, any gym is going to have a little more dirt around than a hermetically sealed hospital room. However, any good gym manager will make sure mats, floors and equipment are cleaned on a regular basis. If there is a specific problem at your gym, call someone’s attention to it, and 99% of the time, the problem can be fixed immediately.

Kickboxing Gyms are Only for Fighters

According to most industry figures, about 90% of people working out in boxing, kickboxing and martial arts training facilities are there for the ass busting workout, not to become professional fighters. The cool thing is, there’s usually a pro or two that do train there, and a lot of instructors are former, or even current, fighters. So, the punching, kicking, movement and blocking techniques you’ll learn in a good kickboxing gym are usually the real deal.

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