Why Join an Independent Gym?

It’s tough searching for a new gym, whether getting in shape for the first time, coming back to your workout routine after some time off, or simply exploring options in your neighborhood. One of the decisions to consider is whether to join a commercial gym, or seek a more independent place to sweat. This blog outlines some of the reasons an independent gym may be the best fit.

Independent Gyms Bring a Sense of Community

At a big box gym like 24 Hour Fitness, it’s hard to build a sense of community. There are so many people in and out, and the facilities are often so large with so many different things going on, it’s easy to get lost in the commotion. An independent gym like Huntington Beach Ultimate Training Center offers a more intimate setting with a smaller member base. That means you may see the same people often, and get to know some gym friends. That sense of community ends up helping you stay dedicated to your workout routine.

Independent Owners are Around, and They Get to Know Your Needs

People who own independent gyms care about what they do. They have dedicated their lives – and finances – to opening up a spot for you to call home. Independent gym owners are usually part of the communities that evolve in their facilities, and often work out alongside members, teach classes, or even offer personal training sessions.

Owners who are more involved and invested in your health and success can adapt their business to meet your needs. Whether it’s getting a heavier kettlebell, adding a class for early birds, or putting kombucha in the vending machine, independent gym owners can be more flexible and connected to their members than big corporations focused only on profit.

Independent Gyms are Specialized So You Can Learn New Skills
Belonging to a specialized MMA training facility, cardio kickboxing gym, pilates studio, or martial arts dojo allows for a more tailored experience. Sure, you can go into 24 Hour Fitness and hit those dusty boxing bags in the back corner, lift a few weights, or take a pre-programmed cardio class. However, the motivation of big corporate gyms to provide something for everyone, pump in as many members as possible, and keep costs low means you get virtually no new skills. Choosing an independent facility with trainers who specialize in your favorite activity means you can learn while you burn.

The Music is Better at Independent Gyms

Lastly, and probably most importantly, independent gyms play better music. When a big corporate gym has to please everybody, it means the music has to remain relatively quiet and inoffensive. If you’re the top 40 type, that’s great, but if you like hearing the latest Future song, or want to go crazy on a bag while Madball pumps through your veins, an independent facility is better. Usually, gym owners, or their handpicked trainers get to select their own music, so you can get a feel for their taste and come in to hear your favorite jams. It’s also way easier to request a song skip, or ask for a volume change when your gym is more intimate and they care about individual members, and not just a big herd mooing in and out. (As a side note, I literally heard Nickelback at a UFC gym last month. I walked out.)